
White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo

I just finished reading White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo .  Our Equity team decided on this book as a summer book club.  It was a great read because it gave me so much to reflect on as an administrator.  So many times as I read I would stop and reflect on my actions of the past in the context of white fragility.  I am looking forward to the conversations with our Equity team and how we can bring our learning to our staff through our next steps.

Equality vs. Equity

If you are in education and/or taken a course related to special education there is no doubt you have seen one or more of the images below and had a conversation about equality versus equity.   If you attended a faculty of education, which image(s) were you shown? Are any of these images problematic? Which image is the best image for representing this message?

Inclusive Language


Reverse Racism

In my learning and conversations around Anti Black Racism, the term "reverse racism" comes up from time to time.  My understanding of this term has evolved over the years.  I have struggled at times to explain it to others.   Debbie Donsky shared a youtube clip from Aahmer Rahman that I think captures a great explanation well and with humour.

Unconscious bias

Saw this on  Greater Good Magazine .  

Equality vs Equity

If you are in education and/or taken a course related to special education there is no doubt you have seen one or more of the images below and had a conversation about equality versus equity.   If you attended a faculty of education, which image(s) were you shown? Are any of these images problematic? Which image is the best image for representing this message?

Who do you follow?

I started a Twitter account years ago and let it go dormant for some time.  About 3 years ago I dusted the account off and started to use it again.  It was during a PD session through our Equity Leads that we were asked to do an audit of who we followed on Twitter.  I didn’t actually follow that many people, but I started to see the power in Twitter to gather and capture information/perspectives.  In my learning I also started to understand whose voices and perspectives I was getting all the time through the people I follow and whose voices and perspectives I was not getting at all. Recognizing that I needed to grow my understanding of Anti Black Racism and the lived experiences of Indigenous people to be a better administrator, I sought out perspectives that were new to me.  Here are a few people I follow now: Emmanuel Acho Jeewan Chinaka Kike Ojo-Thompson Tanya Talaga Jesse Wente Nick Bertrand Debbie Donsky Desmond Cole I enjoy reading their perspectives and s...